Somewhere suny, Jan.27 2025
AI related stocks crush today, it brings me straight to a "survival mode." after having a great week last week lol.
Don't worry i will be fine.`
My dating adventure that i have shared with you over social media goes down hill so far.
It isn't worth of sharing it in here. I guess i just have to be more careful in selecting those who are interested in me over the internet.
It is indeed my destiny to be a single woman i guess.
I'm in touch with someone from Cambodia who shows interest in helping me in Canada to take care of my hobby farm and my house. He is inspired by my life and success, he will be willing to join me to Canada.
It will be a long process since the Canadian immigration is getting toucher after the new PM is elected.
I will be waiting patiently.
Just like you being patient with my return to the business.
Will I? it seems i will:)
keep in touch,